
Expand your Knowlegde and Discover new Perspectives

Wine BookCLUB including dinner and Wine, 10 sessions with great self development & business books to discuss - who says learning can't be FUN?

When we come across a book that seems interesting, we tell ourselves, "I’ll put that on my list". But how often do we get around to actually reading those books? Taking the time to read plays a big role in leadership development. From sharpening existing skills and broadening knowledge to improving communication methods and social intelligence, developing the habit of regularly reading is a fantastic way to achieve self and professional growth.

After 3 years of reading 10 books and having delicious meals paired with great wine and conversation we can really say, it's worth it. Discussing with likeminded business owners and seeing their point of view really gives the learning an extra edge.

That’s why I’m hosting again a Wine BookCLUB for business-minded and individuals who want to build their knowledge and develop theirself and their business by reading business and self development-focused books from best-selling authors and top thought leaders.

If you’re serious about reading more and learning more information about many subjects, joining a “business’ book club is a fantastic way to stay accountable and establish positive habits of adding knowledge and reinforce skills you want to improve.

This is our fourth WineBookCLUB which will start in the new year, there are participants from this year are joining again so we don't have a lot of seats left please contact us soon if you would like to join or need more information.

Date: Every 4th Thursday of the month (18.00-21.00)
Location: My-Wine-Online, Zeelandia Mall 7
Language: English (Papiamento and Dutch)
Investment: ANG 1250 incl. OB including Wine & Dinner. Excluding books


Disclaimer: Careful you might have too much fun learning from all the great books

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An ActionCOACH is innovative, and their ideas support business owners and executives to achieve their highest potential.

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