

Understand the differences between leadership and management so you can create a harmonious work environment that is both productive and fulfilling for your employees.

Intended for: Executives , Entrepreneurs , Managers


Leadership and management are two important concepts that are often discussed in the business world. Management is seen as a systematic methodology that aims to improve productivity and competency through training, coaching, mentoring, and measuring. On the other hand, leadership is considered an art form that focuses on passion, education, and building a solid culture with a clear vision and goals. 

While management is a structured process that aims to improve the capabilities of the team, leadership is about bringing out the best in people through effective communication and charisma. It is possible to build a systematic methodology for management, but leadership is a skill that must be learned and developed over time. 

Ultimately, you need both: leadership and management. At this event, you'll discover the art of leadership and the systematic methodology of management. You'll learn how to coach, mentor, and train your team to build competency and productivity. You'll also discover the importance of having a solid culture, vision, mission, and goals to focus your team and inspire passion.

By understanding the differences between leadership and management, businesses can create a harmonious work environment that is both productive and fulfilling for employees. 

Event: Brad Sugars Leadership VS Management

Date: January 29 2024

Time: 18:00-20:30

Location: Renaissance Resort Curacao, Atrium

Investment: $53

In this program, you will:


Gain a better understanding of the differences between leadership and management and how to develop both skills


Learn how to build competency and productivity through effective management


Master how to inspire passion and focus through strong leadership